Three Reasons We Must Stop Demonizing Each Other

In America, we are a divided nation. Gone is the “statesmanship” of the past. Now, it is winning at all cost. So in order to win, we must demonize the opposition. To demonize means to portray others who don’t agree with us as something evil or even subhuman. Here is what happens when we demonize others:
1. We miss the opportunity to hear, really hear what there point is. We are so busy formulating our defense we are listening to each other.
2. We dismiss those we don’t like. It is easy to dismiss those who are different than us because we have discounted them and their views.
3. We assassinate their character. If we don’t agree with someone we just attack them personally. We ascribe to them some demonic character and evil intention. Why listen to someone we label as demonic?
What we need is a new ethic in America. We need to recapture a desire to agree to disagree without creating demons out of people. What do you think?

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2 Responses to Three Reasons We Must Stop Demonizing Each Other

  1. Kee-Kee says:

    Bless you for confirmation and articulating my thoughts. I grappled with this very thing about a month ago in my personal life and more than a few times when others have shared their life experiences with me. While demonizing a person, God quietly this concept into my spirit. It is especially poignant when the other person is a Christian especially a mature (mature in Christ, not chronologically). Thanks for sharing.

  2. Dionne says:

    I agree with the content of this message. If we are the people of the United states, as the Constitution indicates, then the end result should be to form a more perfect union and that usually takes collective opinions and actions! The preamble further states that God, our Creator has granted to all of us, equal rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. So, it is about us individually…yes, but moreso about us as individuals coming together collectively so that all people may be entitled to take advantage of all things, whatsoever God has provided!

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