How To Handle Your Haters (Taken from a Sermon)

Everyone can’t handle your blessings. The same people, who used to give you a ride, sometimes can’t handle you getting a new car.
Same people, who used to let you sleep in their spare room, sometimes can’t handle you getting your own place.
Some people who used to get drunk with, (you) people sometimes can’t handle your sobriety. Some people, who used to dog your boyfriends or girlfriends, sometimes can’t handle your engagement.
Some people, who talk about going back to school to get a degree, sometimes can’t handle your graduation ceremony. Some people can’t handle your blessings.
In the church some people have spiritual jealousy.
They remember when you were kicking it at the club, now you are in church but they have to try to drag you back to your old clubbing days. They like to say I remember when …attempt to shame you back.
You see the friends you make at one level aren’t able to make the transition to a new level. Some people will always give you a cigarette after you quit smoking. Some people will always offer to set up your stake at the poker table after you give up gambling.
Some people will always give you reefer after you quit smoking it. Some people will bake you a free cake after you start your diet. Some people are just jealous, spiritually jealous.
They can’t handle your new found focus, your spiritual growth, your new commitment to Christ, your self-control, your discipline, your plan of action, your laser like focus and will to succeed. They can’t handle your blessings. Why? Because you remind them of their own failed efforts.
In a sense, you are leaving them behind and they know it.
Misery still loves company. Birds of a feather, still want to flock together. Bad habits still corrupt good morals. The name for these folks are haters.
The point of this message is, each new spiritual breakthrough brings with it a backlash. But don’t be afraid, each backlash builds your character so you can rebound until your next breakthrough. It’s a spiritual growth principle.

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2 Responses to How To Handle Your Haters (Taken from a Sermon)

  1. edye says:

    Very simple. To the point, And so true. One thing I want to know, how do you handle the haters? Of course pray for them, but what Godly words do you say to those who spew their hate on you? Also, what do you say or how do you act toward the haters who find out that you’re now going through hard times? You don’t have to be full of yourself to feel the pang of embarrassment when your home that others envied and didn’t visit because of jealousy, goes into foreclosure after both spouses lose their enviable jobs. How so you hold your head up high to the haters who now feel happy for your misfortune?

    • whg747 says:

      Dear edye, you write a real issue in life. We sometimes feel the pang of embarrasment. However, it is not over yet. We learn to live life until the end. In the end, you will be viindicated by your faith in God. Remember the example of Jesus. He said from the cross, “Father forgive them for the know not what they do”. Remember this example of Jesus. Friday was a bad day as he died on the cross. But Sunday came later. That is when he conquered Death. In our church we sing a song with the lyrics, “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, Because He lives all fear is gone, Because I know who holds the future, But life is worth the living just because He lives.” My prayer is for your family to be blessed and know the strengtth that comes from faith in Christ.

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